World Pool-Billiard Association - Official Website of the Artistic Pool Division
Developing, Promoting, and Documenting Official Artistic Pool Competitions / Special Events Worldwide under the WPA umbrella structure (6 continents / 130+ countries)
Education Document
Dear Valued Artistic Pool Players, Fans, Media / Sponsors Contacts, Promoters, Friends Of Our Sport, Plus WPA / Federation Entities Worldwide…
Thank you for taking the time to read this rather lengthy “EDUCATION DOCUMENT” presentation for a better understanding of all factors pertinent to Artistic Pool. When finished you will know more about the WPA Artistic Pool Division and its assigned position for Artistic Pool worldwide under the WPA, plus the essential role of the WPA APD to help maintain the long-term strength and stability of our sport. The WPA APD is developing its own website at this time for release later this year as a ready reference tool for Artistic Pool and to maintain a focal point of sport education and other updates.
The WPA Artistic Pool Division would like to thank each person that has contributed to the “MODERN DAY” Artistic Pool movement since its competitive inception back in 1993. We sincerely appreciate your valued opinions on any and all items of sport concern from the past, present, or future and want to assure everyone that we carefully consider each comment.
Artistic Pool has grown in leaps and bounds for the last 20+ years under 3 primary “agents of direction” – 1) WPA / WPA APD / federation structure, 2) player, and 3) private promoter. We encourage a joint and friendly cooperation between these 3 integers of our sport. In this regard, anyone and everyone is welcome to submit their nomination for the WPA APD at any time so when the process begins, we will include all interested parties. Please contact us for specific items to include in your nomination submission. In addition, we extend an invitation to each of you to get in touch with us at any time to discuss items on your heart, which you feel will provide valued input to our future sport growth and vision.
For any sport or concept to survive and move forward when multiple “agents of direction” are involved, it is paramount that a historical record of the primary foundation factors that give the sport credibility be kept. By doing this veteran players as well as new players will have a complete resource that validates why things happen and why certain things must be monitored to assure a joint cooperation of all parties involved. Once the “bigger picture” is provided, it helps everyone have a better understanding of the role for “each part that makes up the whole”.
Over the last couple of years, the WPA APD has significantly fine tuned key items of sport direction on the WPA / federation entity front to assure player fairness is always maintained and that specific event / player / entity decisions are done in the best interests of all concerned. We know the only way to address any item needing clarity and understanding is thru a complete and factual “EDUCATION” process, and then allowing each person reading its content to develop his or her own opinion to the situation. EDUCATION is always the best answer when presented via verifiable documentation.
This introduction, along with the historical documents referenced in this presentation is being released now to a growing Artistic Pool database, so that everyone can see our past, present, and future with full disclosure.
Special Note: Excerpts from the history of Artistic Pool and the related documents pertinent to its sport foundation and credibility worldwide are also included in this present reply so that everyone will know why “certain things are done at present in order to preserve all that has been established for sport credibility in the past”.
The WPA APD believes in an open book policy so that everyone can discern the “nature” of each decision made.
We are hopeful that each of you will use this blueprint of sport direction to help take Artistic Pool to the next level and beyond.
Education / Foundation Items For Artistic Pool Follows:
Below is the comprehensive organizational structure of the worldwide associations for billiards (pocket, carom, and snooker).
Please scroll down to display the full name of the organizations.
You can readily see how Artistic (Pool) fits into this flow chart directly under the WPA and in association to 6 WPA federations around the world.
Note: BlackBall and Pyramide are on the same tier as Artistic, but all 3 entities act independent of each other with direct responsibility to the WPA for its respective sport activities.
The WPA made the following statement to the WPA Artistic Pool Division (“Artistic” in the flow chart below) on 9/29/12:
WPA Board Decision Email Statement – September 29, 2012
“I spoke with our Board about the APD, and it was thought that as it is run as separate division, we should allow it to proceed under its “OWN GUIDELINES” because your committee would know what suits your own particular needs better than us, provided that it is conducted in the best interest of the sport and under the spirit of fairness to all.”
Regards – Ian Anderson, WPA Board President
Note: WPA statement and revised guidelines as the result of this decision were sent to the WPA APD Committee in order for the WPA APD to operate as a “committee” entity with the best interests of Artistic Pool as its central focal point.
Revised guidelines submitted to WPA APD Committee By:
Mark Dimick, President / Chairman WPA APD Committee – November 21, 2012
Approval by WPA APD Committee – December 23, 2012
IOC International Olympic Committee
WCBS World Confederation of Billiard Sports
UMB Union Mondiale de Billiard (Carom)
IBSF Billiards & Snooker Federation
WPA World Pool-Billiard Association
Special Sport Divisions Under WPA:
6 Continental Federations Under WPA:
AAPA All Africa Pool Association Africa
APBU Asian Pocket Billiard Union Asia
BCA Billiard Congress of America N America
CPB Confederation Panamerica of Billiards S America
EPBF European Pocket Billiard Federation Europe
OPBA Oceania Pocket Billiard Association Oceania
All contact information for associated federations under the WPA is available by email request to Mark Dimick, President of the WPA APD – dimickmark@aol.com These federations include the AAPA, APBU, BCA, CPB, EPBF, and OPBA.
WPA Member Inclusions:
AAPA – All Africa Pool Association [Region: Africa]
AAPA Member Countries:
Egypt Lesotho Libya Malawi Mauritius Morocco Namibia Nigeria Reunion South Africa Swaziland Tanzania Uganda Zambia
APBU – Asian Pocket Billiard Union [Region: Asia]
APBU Member Countries:
Bangladesh Brunei China Chinese Taipei Hong Kong
India Indonesia Iran Japan Korea Kuwait Macau Malaysia Maldives Philippines Qatar Saudi Arabia Singapore Sri Lanka
Thailand UAE Vietnam
BCA – Billiard Congress of America [Region: North America]
BCA Member Countries: Canada and United States
CPB – Confederation Panamerica of Billiards [Region: South America]
CPB Member Countries:
Argentina Aruba Bolivia Bonaire Brazil
Chile Colombia Costa Rica Curacao Ecuador Guadalupe Guatemala Honduras Mexico Nicaragua Panama Peru Trinidad & Tobago Uruguay Venezuela
EPBF – European Pocket Billiard Federation [Region: Europe]
EPBF Member Countries:
Albania Austria Belarus Belgium Bosnia
Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czechia Denmark
Estonia Finland France Germany Great Britain
Greece Hungary Israel Italy Liechtenstein Luxembourg Macedonia Montenegro Netherlands North Cyprus
Norway Poland Portugal Russia Serbia
Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland
Turkey Ukraine
OPBA – Oceania Pocket Billiard Association [Region: Oceanic]
OPBA Member Countries: Australia New Zealand
Special Member – Matchroom
W: http://www.matchroomsport.com
Basic Artistic Pool Entity Flow Structure:
WPA (World Pool Billiard Association) – Over all “pocket billiard” (pool) sports worldwide
WPA Artistic Pool Division – WPA approved entity structure for Artistic Pool activity worldwide
APTSA (Artistic Pool & Trick Shot Association) – North American player led organization (US/CN)
WPA APD Note: The WPA APD is governed by the WPA Constitution and has its own guidelines to furthermore define its structure, plus the tasks and the work of the division, whose primary task it is to promote and develop the interest for the pocket billiard discipline of “Artistic Pool” worldwide.
Note: The WPA Artistic Pool Division committee members at present are:
A) President/Chairman – Mark Dimick (USA – OK)
B) 1st Vice President – Jim Sommer (Europe — Denmark)
C) 2nd Vice President – Javier Gomez (Mexico)
D) General Secretary – Arkadiy Loshakov (Europe – Russia)
E) Treasurer – Tom Rossman (USA – IN)
F) Sportive Relations/Player Liaison (North America) – (Curtis Robertson – TX)
G) Sportive Relations/Player Liaison (Outside NA) – Gabi Visoiu (Europe – Romania)
H) WPA Representative / Director Liaison – Non Voting – Per WPA assignment
APTSA Note: This continental player led organization has run its events with “proper title” attachment and “proper format structure” for Artistic Pool with approval and recognition by the WPA APD due to APTSA adherence to the foundational principles of Artistic Pool. The APTSA has no extended authority over any Artistic Pool events outside of North America.
Title Issue Guidelines For Specific Events:
APTSA, the WPA APD, any WPA federation entity, or any private promoter may acquire, develop, promote, and direct an ARTISTIC POOL Championship at any time using the standard 8-discipline format structure of our sport foundation. When done, it will be recognized, sanctioned, & documented as approved by the WPA APD for official WPA World Artistic Pool Professional Rankings and result inclusion to the permanent history of Artistic Pool by the APD.
The WPA Artistic Pool Division recognizes the right of private promoters to run their own events “in their own manner” within the context of “non-federation” attachments; i.e., rooms, special venues, sponsors, etc. However, when a private promoter attaches to a federation and/or continental entity (such as the BCA, EPBF, etc.) under the WPA in any way, the event being promoted must follow WPA APD approved guidelines for the sport of Artistic Pool. By doing so, things such as player entry, rankings, format, etc. are monitored to assure fairness to all players worldwide and to maintain the foundation for Artistic Pool “title” content.
In conclusion, the WPA APD has an international responsibility to:
1) clarify the differences of “title content” and “format structure” for respective events to our players, fans, media contacts, and sponsors and
2) maintain specific guidelines for all WPA federations (6 continents) for all Artistic Pool “title content”, and “format structure” and Artistic Pool championships / tournaments in their respective domains.
The WPA Artistic Pool Division has made a sincere and dedicated effort to educate database contacts on what Artistic Pool is all about under the WPA umbrella. We will continue in that effort with the general “points of understanding” that follow:
Title Content For Events And Format Structures Applicable To Them:
Title Content: “Artistic Pool” – WPA Official Sport Wording Worldwide
Format Structure: “Standard Format Using 8 Sport Foundation Disciplines”
Note: The “content” and “structure” noted above is used in recognized, sanctioned, and documented events as approved by the WPA APD.
Title Content: “Trick Shot” – Wording When Non-Federation Attached
Title Content: “Artistic Pool Freestyle” – Wording When Federation Attached
Format Structure: “Freestyle Format Using Multiple / Combined Categories”
Note: The “content” and “structure” noted immediately above reflects alternative “title” and “format” promotions done by some private promoters.
WPA HISTORY – from WPA site: www.wpa-pool.com
Please visit the above site for complete “education access” to the historical foundation of the WPA. A special note of the WPA history includes documented WPA recognized / sanctioned events around the world that have paid out millions of dollars in prize money, reaching thousands upon thousands of players in the process.
The excerpts below are from the “Artistic Pool History” document available at present by email request. These entries validate the need for education of our sport foundation worldwide and continued monitor effort by WPA Artistic Pool Division. In doing so, player fairness on all fronts will continue, the best interests of the sport will be served, and players may continue to garner official titles that help them develop their personal careers doing shows, teaching, and other special activities using established and approved Artistic Pool standards as a foundation base.
Prior to 1990: Before the advent of “artistic pool” events, competitions were referred to as “trick shot”, “fancy shot”, and / or “skill shot” challenges / tournaments. Local, regional, national, and international events were held, some conducted by specific associations, such as the BCA (Billiard Congress of America), and others were sponsored and produced by private firms / organizations. Designated “world” and/or “open” title attachments were awarded to the champions of these competitions.
The terms – “world” and “open” – were the point of controversy for many years, since each group conducting an event searched for rights, so to speak, for official status over such challenges. “Trick shot” competitors earned event “titles” and used them for market promotion as needed. Each claim to “world” and / or “open” title was generically validated within its own domain or organizational structure.
Note: Paul Gerni pioneered several special “trick shot” events in the international arena during this time…up until the start of the WPA sanctioned “World” Artistic Pool events in 2000. His efforts in this regard were a major catalyst in developing player interest on the competitive scene via a selective “invitation only” process his trick shot organization created. This entity name was the WTSAA (World Trick Shot Artist Association).
Some “titles” were determined by a shot/challenge program, ranging in number of shots from six to seventy-six, and others were determined by something as simple as seeing who could make the most number of balls in one legal stroke. Some were held on the pocket billiard table, and some on the snooker table. Some drew small audience numbers, and large arena groups witnessed others. Some were open to all players and some were restricted to a select few. Some were documented, but most have no public record today with detailed results. Through it all, a common thread was evident – A champion emerged, exhibiting highest skill levels and achieving victory in a competitive format challenging each would be participant.
These titles and/or victories etched a mark of excellence in the minds of those players achieving them, and created a following by thousands of fans…believing that each particular victor was a “true” champion. Each champion, no matter how competitively recognized, was a “world” and/or “open” champion at the time. Aside from the “hype” and marketing validity of each, a continued effort to provide the billiard industry and general public with the truest of “true” champions was warranted.
1990 – “Artistic pocket billiards”, more commonly referred to as “artistic pool”, was envisioned as a special sport “gift” by Tom and Marty Rossman of Dr. Cue Promotions in July…to “crusade” the growth and appeal of pocket billiards worldwide with a new and enlightened discipline image.
1991 – The term “artistic pocket billiards” (“artistic pool”) was copyrighted by Tom Rossman through Banks, Tricks, & “Kicks”, a “Dr. Cue” training product…designed to instruct and entertain with 70 trick, fancy, skill, and “novelty” challenges. Included was a format of photo, diagram, and objective explanation for each, plus a section entitled “adjustment analysis”, which one could use to help in making fine tuned and intricate adjustments for any particular shot / challenge…if a miss should occur.
Degree of Difficulty (D.O.D.) was assigned to specific challenges in order to provide an idea of how hard they might be, which tended to enhance individual learning curves. In addition, this gave direction in conducting “artistic pool” competitions through a valid scoring process.
The competitive mode was patterned after “artistic billiards”, which is presented on the “carom” table. This had been for many years and is today a popular cue sport activity in Europe and other continental venues. A multitude of “artistic” cueing wizards on the “non pocket” table have long been a fascination to thousands of cue sport fans. The main focus of the infant “artistic pool” concept was on the “beauty” of the art form, as opposed to presenting only the hardest shots possible that could be attempted on a pool table.
The modern day pioneering foundation for the new cueing attraction called “artistic pool” had begun!!!
1992 / 1993 – “Artistic pool” event proposals were sent to industry contacts in the fall of 1992 and competitions were started by Dr. Cue Promotions for amateur players in 1993 at the BCA North American Championships, plus 3 youthful divisions of the BCA Junior Nationals. Player entry response and audience enjoyment was evident from the very beginning.
1999 – Jorgen Sandman, President of the WCBS (World Confederation of Billiard Sports) held a meeting in July with Mike Massey, Paul Gerni, Tom Rossman, Belinda Campos, Tom Overbeck (WPA board member), Dick Montgomery, and John Lewis, Secretary / Treasurer of the WPA (World Pool Billiard Association). This meeting berthed a democratically run committee process for developing credible and sanctioned World and Continental Championships for professional “artistic pool”.
The WPA “Artistic Pool” General Committee was formed to develop format structure, shot programs, tournament venue preparations, and sponsor attachments. The initial committee members included Tom Rossman (Chairman), Paul Gerni, Robert Byrne, Michael Shamos, Tom Overbeck, Dick Montgomery, and John Lewis. The “General Committee” evolved into the WPA Artistic Pool Division (WPA APD) in 2002 with official sport discipline recognition by the WPA/WCBS. It enlisted the help of international members Jim Sommer from Denmark, Arkadiy Loshakov from Russia, and Dimitri Yushkovskij from Ukraine. A host of other sport crusaders from around the world have served the WPA Artistic Pool Division in various capacities and during different time periods since 2002…with heartfelt contributions of time, talent, and money to help grow “artistic pool” in the worldwide billiard arena.
Steve Lillis served as Chairman of the “General Committee” (2001 / 2002) and Chairman of the WPA Artistic Pool Division (2002 – 2004). Tom Rossman served as “General Committee” Consultant (2001 and 2002), and WPA Artistic Pool Division President (2002 – 2005). Nate Bryant became President of the WPA Artistic Pool Division on January 1, 2006…assuring emphasis on long term growth for artistic pool within the international billiard community and fulfillment of the primary responsibilities applicable to his position with specific focus on the recognition, promotion, and development of “artistic pool” worldwide. Tom Rossman resigned from the WPA APD after devoting 6+ years of pioneering service to the political side of “artistic pool”…to pursue private promoter interests with his wife Marty, all the while sharing the sport “beauty, promise, and vision” with others.
The WPA Shot Selection Committee was established to take international player input for shots and / or challenges, and then vote on a final program for Continental Championships and the World Finals. This committee was unbiased in shot selection, in that the members on it could not play in future competitions. Those agreeing to this requirement were Chairman Michael Shamos, Robert Byrne, “Fast Eddie” Parker, Willie Jopling (Bill Marshall), and Belinda Campos.
This special committee began their work in earnest, completing their task on December 20, 1999. The final 40 shot program was indeed difficult to develop, as over 325 shots/challenges were player contributed to the initial collection base from throughout the world. Eight disciplines were defined and arranged in priority sequence for orderly player challenge and audience appeal, with “degree of difficulty” assignment to most of the challenges and a “special scoring” process as required in some such as Wing Shots.
Note: In 2001 Fredric Fechter assumed Chairman duties when Michael Shamos became WPA Shot Selection Committee Consultant. “Fast Eddie” Parker passed away the same year…after contributing valuable input and effort to the committee work…in pursuit of a personal dream to see “artistic pool” become an Olympic sport.
The initial championships were BCA/WPA endorsed and sanctioned, producing a hope for worldwide recognition. Each event on the initial “artistic pool” competitive scene and the special events that followed have helped maintain a verifiable and credible accent to “artistic pool” history. The term – “World Title” became a resounding success for the entire sport movement with the WPA as the organizational structure that has Olympic connection, all the while establishing a pocket billiard niche for future events in the international arena of cue sport. Pioneering and blended efforts from the WPA Artistic Pool Division, continental player groups, and a growing base of private promoters would help to assure long-term growth, promotional effort, and player harmony vital to any sport development.
2002 – “Artistic Pool” became an official sport discipline as recognized by the WPA, under the WCBS in the international arena of worldwide sport structure established for billiards. A three-fold player message of professional image, professional demeanor, and professional skills became focused amenities for the sport at the pro level with a special bonding to the positive amateur / junior movement, as it garnered new player interest day by day.
Special Note: The sport definition for “artistic pool” and the 8 discipline names with respective definitions under this umbrella word were ratified via a special guidelines document developed exclusively for our sport by the WPA. This gave credibility to the overall “artistic pool” champion and the 8 discipline champions that would be determined at each event held. Similar to gymnastics in its structure, “artistic pool” offered multi-faceted opportunities for receiving championship recognition 9 different ways; thereby creating greater interest in player participation and promotional appeal.
Special Note: All of the contents in the above excerpts are verified by historical records on file for all individuals / entities referenced.
Please email Mark Dimick, President of the WPA Artistic Pool Division for complete “sport “education” documents on the following items. Email: dimickmark@aol.com
1) WPA Official World Artistic Pool Professional Rankings. These can also be viewed at WPA-APD Rankings
2) WPA APD Artistic Pool Special Honor / Sport Support List — also included in the WPA World Artistic Pool Professional Rankings document online as noted in #1 above
3) WPA APD Player Ranking “Removal / Transfer / Participation” Policy
4) Official Artistic Pool Documented History (starting in 1979)
5) WPA Artistic Pool Division Sport Guidelines Document (14 pages)
NOTE: A special historical resource is also being developed for industry wide release (online / email database) showing all official champions of the modern day Artistic Pool movement. It will include over 600 champions inclusive of all junior, amateur, professional, and miscellaneous events, plus sportsmanship recipients that have exhibited the highest standards of sport demeanor and image. It will include the 13 Overall WC Champions and 104 WC Discipline Champions to date under the WPA APD documented records for Artistic Pool. Over $250,000 total has been added to all documented Artistic Pool events via the WPA ($50,000+), Dr. Cue Promotions ($150,000+), and other private funding sources ($50,000+).
Thank you for patience and time to read this release. In its pages you will discover the foundation of Artistic Pool and a better understanding of how everything works. Once again, we sincerely appreciate your input and helping us always keep in mind player fairness, our sport foundation, and the special joys our sport renders.
Have a great day!
Mark Dimick (on behalf of the WPA Artistic Pool Division)
Approved For Release By WPA APD on March 31, 2014